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The benefits of companion animals are well known, but just how beneficial to the quality of life of an elderly person a little Pet Bird can bring is often ...

The red-eared slider is one of the most popular, interesting, fun, and unique turtle pets in the world. The sheet cuteness factor of a baby red-eared slider, ...

Getting a pet snake can be an exciting experience for an owner of any age. Whether you are a yearning herpetologist, hoping to join the current 4.5 million ...

If you want a more challenging pet than a fish, frog, or toad make a fine choice. First-time owners are afforded a terrific learning opportunity with these ...

Are you looking to own your first reptile? Maybe you are a herpetologist seeking another lizard to add to your keep. The bearded dragon is a friendly lizard ...

Venomous snakes are some of the most universally feared creatures around the globe. Their ability to inject potent venom into their prey with their ...

A horse’s appearance, intelligence, and docility are the factors of esteem in determining its status as the most expensive in the world. These desirable ...

One of the most interesting lizards, if not animals, on the planet, is the chameleon. Some of them are so spectacularly unique, that if one were to describe a ...

Residing in just a small region near Mexico City, Mexico, is a salamander species known as the Axolotls. While the species is far from a traditional pet, they ...

Geckos are generally even-tempered, simple to take care of, and thrive as pets to responsible owners, including first-time pet keepers. Many geckos are very ...

In the constant propaganda war of pet popularity, dogs have indeed dominated. They are loyal to no end, being affectionately dubbed as “man’s best friend.” ...

Tegus are large lizards native to the South and Central American regions. They can be found for sale as pets in the Southern United States, and sometimes are ...

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