Bearded Dragons
Bearded Dragon Basics A Complete Care Guide for Beginners

Are you looking to own your first reptile? Maybe you are a herpetologist seeking another lizard to add to your keep. The bearded dragon is a friendly lizard ...

vegetables for bearded dragon, what you should know

Bearded dragons eat a plant-based diet when they are in the adult stage of their life. Vegetables for bearded dragon can be fed to the dragon as raw ...

what kind of fruit can bearded dragons eat, beginner’s guide

Bearded dragons are reptiles that enjoy a lot of popularity among new and experienced pet lovers. One of the most important questions in the minds of people ...

Top 10 facts about the bearded dragon that will shock you

Are you planning to get a bearded dragon in your home as a pet? Here are some interesting facts that you should know about it. This will make it more ...

Everything You Need To Know About Baby Bearded Dragon

Animal lovers, even the most squeamish of them, will find it very hard to say that a baby bearded dragon is not sweet. The only thing to bear in mind is that ...

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