Who doesn’t love the taste of some biscuits with evening tea? Humans have been a fan of all types, flavors and sizes of biscuits for many years. However, if you have a pet dog at home, we are sure you might have this question in your mind – Can dogs eat biscuits?
This article will answer this question for you and some queries that you might have about your dogs’ eating habits. The simple answer to this question is – yes, you can feed biscuits to your dogs, but occasionally. These are just treats that you can give your canine friend sometimes as a token of appreciating him for being a good boy.
Can dogs eat biscuits – what do experts say?

According to most the dog experts, biscuits aren’t necessarily harmful to dogs. However, most of the biscuits contain added and artificial sugars that may not help dogs at all. Also, there aren’t any healthy ingredients in biscuits, which is a good enough reason why you can stay away from giving him biscuits.
Do you know if your dog has got any allergies? If yes, the answer to the question, can dog eat biscuits, is a strict no. Most of the biscuits available in the supermarkets today are made from processed grains. It can be quite challenging to look for grain-free biscuits for your pets, in that case.
Can dogs eat biscuits – what biscuits are we talking about here?
All the explanation that we mentioned above is about the biscuits that humans consume. However, if you are looking for a safer option for your pets, you can always buy dog-specific biscuits that are available in all the pet stores in your area. These biscuits are made from pet-friendly ingredients, that are easy for your dogs to digest. They don’t cause any toxic or allergic reaction in pets, in most the cases.
However, before buying dog biscuits, we would recommend you to test your dog for allergies. Talk to your veterinarian if you find any strange behavior in your dogs after eating anything. This will help you understand his food allergies, if any.
Yes, it is quite natural for you to keep asking can dog eat biscuits, the same ones that you are eating. You might feel odd to munch on your share of biscuits without feeding your dogs. However, trust us when we say that your dogs will be fine even without those biscuits. If you do want to give them biscuits as treats occasionally, you should buy a pack of dog-specific biscuit from a trusted brand.
Why do veterinarians answer in the negative when asked can dogs eat biscuits?
Have you ever wondered why your veterinarians answer in the negative when you ask them about feeding biscuits to your dogs? Even if they say yes, they always ask you to give biscuits sparingly and exercise care while feeding biscuits to your canine friends. Why is that so?
It is because biscuits aren’t as harmless as they seem to be. They contain a lot of unhealthy ingredients which can cause allergies and choking issues in pets, especially dogs. Listed below are some of the ingredients that you would commonly find in biscuits, but are considered harmful for dogs:
Can dogs eat Fruits and Nuts?
Biscuits that contain fruits and nuts are highly popular among people of all ages. However, it would help if you were careful when feeding the same to your dogs. Fruits, such as grapes, or dry raisins, are toxic to dogs. They can cause your dogs to choke, and fall seriously ill.
Nuts are good sources of nutrients for your dogs; however, you can give them in some other forms instead of nuts. Some nuts, like macadamia, are considered harmful for dogs. So, asking the question, can dogs eat biscuits, to your doctor, ensure that the biscuits you have chosen are free from toxic fruits and nuts.
Can dogs eat Artificial sugars?
If certain biscuits contain artificial sugars or sweeteners, we recommend you to keep them away from your pet dog. These sugars can cause imbalances in the insulin-production capacity of your dogs, thereby leading to serious health issues.
Can dogs drink Cocoa?
Yes, we cannot deny that cocoa powder or chocolate chips make our biscuits tasty and yummy. Theobromine, an alkaloid found in the cocoa plant, is highly toxic for dogs. Dark chocolate biscuits, especially, are very dangerous for dogs. So please keep your dogs away from these biscuits.
Can dogs drink Alcohol?
Never give alcohol-based biscuits to your dog. It can cause severe stomach upsets in them. In some cases, the alcohol content in the biscuits can lead to severe breathing issues in dogs. So if you are thinking, can dog eat biscuits than contain alcohol, the answer is no.
How do I know how many biscuits I can give my dog?
As we already explained in the above paragraphs, you should treat biscuits as treats. So whenever you have the question, can dogs eat biscuits, in your minds, always remember that they can eat biscuits only in moderation. Even when you give biscuits as treats, never forget to break the biscuits and feed them only small quantities at a time. Your dogs can digest small quantities of biscuits quite well.
Best home remedy to correct stomach issues in dogs
If you find that is your dog is irritated or fussy because of a bad stomach, it can give you a lot of worry. However, here is a simple remedy to correct constipation issues in dogs – Karo syrup!
Karo syrup for dogs can also be given to correct issues such as hypoglycemia, in puppies. All you need to do is apply a drop of Karo syrup on the pup’s tongue to make him feel better. Sometimes, you can also mix a couple of drops of Karo syrup to your pup’s drinking water, so that your puppy can keep sipping it all day long to feel better.
When buying dog foods always ensure that you buy only trusted and reputed brands. One of the most famous dog food brands today is Blue Buffalo. If you are wondering where is Blue Buffalo dog food made, you should know that all their products are manufactured in the USA. Please consult with your veterinarian before choosing the right dog food for your pet from Blue Buffalo or any other trusted brand.
After reading this article, we hope you would have some clarity on the question, can dogs eat biscuits. Please be careful when feeding biscuits to your pets, as the slightest mistake can lead to serious health issues for them.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Can dogs eat butter biscuits?
While dogs can technically eat butter biscuits, it is not recommended as they are high in fat and can lead to digestive issues and obesity. Additionally, butter biscuits often contain ingredients such as sugar and salt, which can be harmful to a dog’s health. It is best to stick to biscuits specifically made for dogs or to consult with a veterinarian before introducing human food to your dog’s diet.
Can dogs eat buttermilk biscuits?
Dogs can eat buttermilk biscuits in moderation as an occasional treat, but it is important to choose biscuits that are made specifically for dogs and are free from harmful ingredients such as onions, garlic, and excessive amounts of salt or sugar. As always, it is best to consult with a veterinarian before introducing any new food to your dog’s diet.
Can dogs eat pillsbury biscuits?
While dogs can technically eat Pillsbury biscuits, it is not recommended as they are high in fat, salt, and sugar. Additionally, Pillsbury biscuits often contain harmful ingredients such as garlic and onions, which can be toxic to dogs. It is best to stick to biscuits specifically made for dogs or to consult with a veterinarian before introducing human food to your dog’s diet.