Can hedgehogs eat dry dog food

Can Hedgehogs Eat Dry Dog Food? While not ideal, small amounts may be safe, but a balanced, specialized diet is better for their health and well-being.

Hedgehogs are quite high in demand in the pet industry today because they are easy to maintain. The African pygmy hedgehogs are the most domesticated species that are grown as pets in many parts of North America. While pet owners do know how to take care of these pets, there is one question that keeps lingering in their mind forever- Can hedgehogs eat dry dog food? If you have the same doubt, you have come to the right place.

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In this article, we will give some important facts that you should know before getting hedgehogs as pets before answering your question about your pet’s diet.

Can hedgehogs eat dry dog food

What are the prerequisites you should know before getting them as pets

  • Hedgehogs are friendly animals, but they roll their spines into a ball when they are threatened. When you see your pet curling up like this, you have to handle them with extreme care. They will stretch their spines back to the original position only when they feel relaxed and comfortable.
  • Hedgehogs have the habit of spitting on themselves, especially when they see objects with a new scent. Don’t panic when you see this behavior in them. They love to apply the new scent on them so that they can protect themselves from predators.
  • These pets are nocturnal and they are very active and noisy during the night. Be prepared for disturbed sleeping schedules when you plan to get these prickly pets home.
  • They eat a lot; this is the reason why they put on weight easily. You have to feed them in the right quantities and give them enough scope for exercise and play so that they don’t face obesity issues.
  • When you notice a loud shrill or a hiss from hedgehogs, it means your pet is in pain or that it feels nervous about something.
  • They love to play, and they make a lot of sounds such as grunts, snorts, squeals and more. Don’t be stressed when you hear these noises from your pets; they are only playing with you happily. It is their way of showing affection.
  • Hedgehogs are prone to serious health issues; however, the worrying fact is that they can pass on their illness to humans too. When their stools carry Salmonella bacteria, it spreads to pet owners as well.

There is an on-going debate among hedgehog owners on the diet that they should give their pets. Today, most of them think that only cat foods are safe for hedgehogs for these reasons:

  • Cat food is easily available and contains a reasonable amount of protein that is great for your hedgehogs
  • Cat food is a kibble that is easy to digest than hedgehog kibble
  • Breeders across the world have been feeding cat food to their hedgehogs with great results
  • Cat food is small, soft and easy to chew for hedgehogs unlike dog food
  • Cat food is considered to be more nutritious than exclusive hedgehog foods that are available in the market today. Even the highest quality of hedgehog foods from premium brands are nowhere close to cat foods in terms of nutritional value.

What should the diet of a hedgehog contain?

Hedgehog foods should be dry and should contain at least 20% protein and fiber content. Canned cats foods, live insects, vegetables, fruits, cooked chicken, etc. are the most common foods that hedgehogs eat. They have around 44 teeth, and they can eat almost anything that looks attractive and tasty.  These hedgehogs need a lot of protein, but all sources of protein aren’t advisable. It is highly recommended that you feed them only insect and poultry for protein.

If you are looking for an answer to the question, “can hedgehogs eat dry dog food,” it is “no.”This is because dog food is too hard to digest for your pets. Also, dog food is not as fine and nutritious as dry cat food or other hedgehog-specific food.  Apart from dry dog food, you should remember that you shouldn’t feed milk to your hedgehogs, because it can cause diarrhea in them.

Can hedgehogs eat dry dog food? –No!

Many online forums explain why it is harmful to feed your hedgehogs dry dog food. Some of the important reasons are listed down:

  • The size of the dog food kibble is very big, which is not easy for your hedgehog to chew and swallow.
  • Most of the dog foods contain a lot of corn in them; hedgehogs find it very difficult to digest corn-based foods.
  • Dog foods have a lot of fat content, but very little protein content, which is important for the hedgehog’s growth.
  • Dog foods and dog treats contain no nutritive elements in them for hedgehogs.

However, there is one group of people that gives a different answer to the question, “can hedgehogs eat dry dog food.” This group suggests you read the labels of the dog food products and check if the protein and other nutrients are as per the levels recommended for hedgehogs. More importantly, check if the product contains corn in it. If the label doesn’t contain any fishy ingredients, you can still go ahead and feed your hedgehogs dry dog food. You may have to break down the kibble a bit, though.

Many people wrongly assume that it is alright to feed dog food as well to hedgehogs because the pets love cat foods. By design, size, nutritional value and ingredients cat foods and dog foods are completely different from each other. Therefore, check with the facility from where you bought the hedgehogs, about the diet schedule and the items that can be fed.


When you have a clear idea about what you should (and shouldn’t) feed your kids, you will get a better idea of managing them properly. Hedgehogs are prone to obesity and over-eating. Therefore, you should take extreme care in feeding them with the right kind of foods. After every meal, you can encourage your hedgehogs to move around their housing so that they can digest their food easily.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can hedgehogs eat rabbit food?

Hedgehogs can eat rabbit food as part of their diet, but it should not be their primary food source. Rabbit food lacks the necessary nutrients and protein that hedgehogs need to maintain a healthy diet. It’s best to feed hedgehogs a diet of specifically formulated hedgehog food or a mix of high-quality cat food, insects, and vegetables.

How long can hedgehogs go without food?

Hedgehogs can go without food for up to five days. However, it is not recommended to leave them without food for that long. It is important to feed them a balanced diet regularly to maintain their health and well-being.

Why can’t hedgehogs eat fish based cat food?

Hedgehogs should not eat fish-based cat food as their primary diet because it lacks the appropriate nutritional balance for hedgehogs. Fish-based cat food is high in phosphorus and low in calcium, which can cause serious health problems in hedgehogs. Additionally, the high ash content in fish-based cat food can lead to the formation of bladder stones in hedgehogs.


Hello, I’m Alexander, a dedicated animal enthusiast with a special passion for pets, especially cats. In addition to my love for animals, I focus on writing about pet care, sharing valuable insights, and offering practical advice for pet owners. Through this blog, I aim to connect with like-minded individuals and celebrate the unique bond we share with our pets.

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