Everything You Need To Know About Baby Bearded Dragon

A Baby Bearded Dragon makes a fascinating pet, known for its gentle nature, unique appearance, and ease of care for reptile enthusiasts.

Animal lovers, even the most squeamish of them, will find it very hard to say that a baby bearded dragon is not sweet. The only thing to bear in mind is that these cute little pets bring a lot of responsibility, as they will need the prescribed care and full attention in order for them to grow into a dragon that can be impressive.

In combination of a calm conduct, an appearance of a dragon, quite a bit of color variants that are fancy, and a strategy of reproduction that even makes the south american rabbit like animal jealous, and you end up with the bearded dragon. This perhaps is the perfect lizard pet. As they have gotten popular as the species for petting, so has been the demand for these captive babies to be bred as babies.

Since these are naturally productive species, it has not been any trouble for the breeders to be able to keep up with the demand and quench the thirst of the many people who are looking for these reptiles as they are in huge supply as the happy bearded babies.

Now, while these baby bearded dragons are for the most part very easy to care for, the new babies tend to present some very specific tasks to be undertaken by the reptile owner. These obstacles can be overcome easily if you are properly prepared, have been paying attention to the details, and have good husbandry.

Selecting your bearded dragon (baby bearded dragon for sale)

While looking for a baby bearded dragon for sale always choose an animal who is healthy, and well bred. To start with, this is perhaps one of the simplest yet the most vital aspects of successful rearing of bearded dragons. While the dealers are not inclined to intentionally offer you babies that are not suitable for sale, it still does not hurt to be prepared with information on how to spot a healthy baby bearded dragon. The animal should get alerted and should respond to physical stimulus. A lot of baby dragons will just placidly sit on the palm of someone’s hand, and that is fine.

The bearded dragon should keep their eyes wide open, they should be of equal size, and it should not be showing any signs of any infection like crusts, mucous, etc. You should also closely examine the mouth and the nails. If the baby bearded dragons are well fed, they will have an appearance that is rounded out. They should be plump but should not show any sign of visible bones around the hip and backbones.

Other tips while selecting your next baby bearded dragon

When you are going for selection from a very large number of animals, first look at the ones that are the biggest in size and the most active of all. These are what are typically known as the “alpha” animals and these form a wonderful choice. Once these picks of animals are taken out of the group, the smaller ones, the ones who assert themselves less will very quickly increase in size and go on to catch up with the others in the group who are more dominant.

Do ensure that the animal that you are feeling interested in is not missing any fingers, tail tip and toes. It is very common for bearded baby dragons who are housed in communal habitats to have a nipped toe, or a damage to their tail in because of a cage mate. These injuries, though, are typically very minor and get to heal very fast and well with no problems that last for long. We would still advise you to stay away from animals who have had fresh wounds which have not yet begun healing.

A baby bearded dragon license for the thrill

Even before you go out and start shopping or looking for your favorite pet, the first thing is making sure you are not breaking any laws. So, before you embark on the journey to becoming a responsible parent of a bearded dragon, you need to apply for a license by the appropriate department in your state government. No do not despair over it – keeping records is going to be one of the hardest parts of owning a reptile.

Bearded dragon eggs hatching.

Eggs from the bearded dragons hatch over a period of 1 to 3 days. The eggs will collapse after becoming indented. A slit is created in the egg by the baby lizards using an egg tooth which they have and then they are freed from the cage of the eggs.

After hatching is over for nearly all the eggs, a few of the baby dragons may be still trapped in their eggs and are not able to break free. They will need some extra help to break free from their eggs. You can cut a tiny slot on the top of the eggs, all the while ensuring that you do not end up hurting the babies in the process.

Now, you help the baby dragons in escaping the eggs on their own. If one of the babies is still carrying an egg sac, let it be. Do not try to take it off as that may hurt the baby. It will shake off the sac when it is ready to do so. The babies will be around three to four inches long.

Baby bearded dragon diet (how many crickets to feed a baby bearded dragon)

Freeze Dried Crickets, 1.2oz

About this item:
– Great alternative to live insects.
– Great for reptiles, Tropical fish, birds, hedgehogs and sugar gliders
– Adds variety to diet.

You will need to be very careful in how to feed these baby dragons so that you do not end up overfeeding them. Over feeding the baby dragons will put more pressure on the small lizard nerves and will result in paralysis of the rear legs and can even lead to a possible death. The baby lizards will eat a lot and will need quite a bit of food but in the form of very small frequent meals.

Some of the things that can be good food are fresh molted mealworms, crickets and wax worms. You can give a try to the Fluker’s Freeze-Dried Crickets. The insects need to be gut loaded and then coated with vitamin and some mineral powder multiple times in a week. A layer of calcium powder needs to be coated every day on the insects.

You should make sure that you introduce them to some vegetables a couple of times a day, say once in two days. The vegetables need to be chopped and given to them in very small quantities.  Hatched and juvenile, both bearded dragons need to be primarily fed very small feeder insects, for example, crickets, only 2 to 3 times in a day.

In baby bearded dragon diet make sure you do not take a very large number of crickets since they can over run the tank and are also known to be biting. Also make note that thought insects are tasty they do not alone have all the nutrients which will suffice the needs of a bearded dragon that is growing. You will need to provide them with calcium supplements.

You also need to start feeding them with grass as soon as possible. And this is not just for nutritional purposes, but also for hydrating reasons. It is very important that the vegetables are cut into pieces that are bite sized. Quality pallets are also a very good thing to offer the bearded dragons at the initial stages.

How to feed juveniles bearded dragon

Bearded juvenile dragons will smoothly get transitioned over into eating more and more vegetables and less of insects. They should be given vegetables on a daily basis. Once they have crossed the 9-month-old mark, the insects that you have been feeding them should be brought down to just two to three times in a week. You still need to be taking care and making sure that the insects are not too big for your bearded young dragons. Now this also is the time where you can start reducing the vitamin doses to once in a week and the supplements to once in two days.

Some more on baby bearded dragons feeding

Bearded dragons are a species of creatures that grow very fat. Their metabolisms also grow at an amazingly fast pace. To ensure that they are growing popularly, and to cut down on the risk of nipping off each other’s tails and digits, when there are more than one in the cage, the baby bearded dragons need to be fed very frequently.

The appetites of the animals will vary from case to case, but a common bearded dragon in the growing stages would like to eat eagerly three times in a day, with each feeding that will consist of as many crickets the animal can consume in a fifteen-minute period.

This forms an optimal feeding routine that is very often used by advanced hobbyists and breeders alike to get their pet animals up to a good size as soon as possible. Sometimes, it may be the case that the keeper cannot practically feed the animals with crickets all three times of the day. Fortunately, this rule does not have to be religiously followed.

These animals will still do very well even if they are kept on a little lesser intensive schedule for feeding, the only thing that will happen is that they will have a slightly lower rate of growth. These baby bearded dragons can be given live prey 1 or 2 times a day along with some greens which are fresh.

There will be no problem at all. Always make sure that the food items are not very long. A good thumb rule is to ensure that the food items are shorter than the distance amongst the two eyes of the lizard. It can lead to real trouble, sometimes leading to serious health issues, if you feed too large of a prey to your baby bearded dragons. If you are not absolutely sure of what you are doing, it will probably be better for you to feed them with larger quantities of small items of prey instead of a smaller number of large sized ones.

Also, make sure to not end up feeding mealworms to bearded dragons who are less than four months in age. Though this does not always happen, but smaller animals sometimes have a huge problem while digesting the chitinous and tough shells of these worms. It does make a lot of sense to dust all their food lightly with a very high quality of calcium and vitamin supplements.

This is true for both live food and otherwise too. The calcium supplement you choose should have been completed with vitamin D3. Vitamin D3, in combination with proper light and heat, will be aiding greatly in the prevention of metabolic disorders. You should use this calcium and D3 supplement on every feed till the animal reaches close to maturity.  This feed can be safely reduced once the animal has reached maturity.

You should also use a multi vitamin especially made for reptiles, although this is to be given only once or twice in a week. If you are giving your bearded dragons a good variety of fresh vegetables, then they will provide much of the needed vitamins and minerals to cater to the animals’ needs. The usage of any additional supplements is just a failsafe if the food selection falls short in providing the required essential nutrient

Baby bearded dragon Hydration is very important

Zoo Med Repti Ramp Bowl (XLarge)

About this Item:
– Easy access ramp helps prevent drowning
– Great for lizards, terrestrial land turtles (up to 4/10cm shell length)

One of the biggest problems which all the new parents of bearded dragon face has to do with dehydration. The water bowls should be picked carefully. They should be shallow, so as to ensure that drowning is minimized or eliminated. You can give a try to this Zoo Med Reptile Ramp Bowl You do not want the water to be a life danger. Also, the water in the bowls should be changed daily, so it does not go stale.

If defecation has happened in any of the bowls, it should be changed immediately, before it becomes a health hazard. Now here is one expert tip. Sometimes you may notice that your dragon is not drinking water. In such cases you can mist them with water, so they stay hydrated.  Hatching and the juveniles, both must be misted until you feel confident that they are independently drinking water.

Though they come from the dry Australian deserts, bearded dragons can also suffer from dehydration. When babies are small, they tend to lose moisture very quickly in a dry and hot environment. They need to misted everyday with water at room temperature in addition to providing them with a shallow water dish.

The enclosure contents themselves should be misted as well, and you should direct some of the steam towards the animal as well. Now this may lead to the animal getting a little disturbed to begin with, but they will soon come to terms with what is happening and will start enjoying these sessions, even looking forward to them eagerly.

These steps are particularly more important for the newly acquired members and those who are under four weeks of age. After this point, they ought to be still served water in this way a few times in a week, however, it does become a lot less of a necessity. As the bearded dragons grow up and start eating more and more of vegetables and matters that come from vegetables, they will need lesser help from you to keep properly hydrated.

Baby bearded dragon care

Do not crowd them up

It should be known to you that bearded dragons are not a very social species. Although they are very warm and good natured as companions and love to be and enjoy human company, the same does not hold true when it comes to the other bearded dragons.

They have a tendency to become territorial as they grow in age and are likely to pick on to the smaller ones in the pack. For these reasons, you would not like to keep more than 3 of the same sized baby bearded dragons in the same enclosure. At the same time, you should be avoiding keeping large dragons along with the smaller ones.

Watch when they are waving

Bearded dragons portray some amazing behavior. They do not vocalize to each other – rather, they communicate using their bodies.  They wave their arms when they are usually submissive and it is a typical behavior for bearded dragons. For example, a smaller baby bearded dragon may wave as a sign of submission when a human or a large bearded dragon approaches it. Sometimes they also do a head bob and sometimes they just do a wave.

This is an aggressive sign that says I am bigger than you. The faster the bobbing of the head, the more the Bearded Dragon is getting aggressive. The beard of the bearded dragon turns into black color as they get more aggressive and when that happens it will also get puffed up.

General tips on husbandry

It will do you a world of good to visit your library and pick out books that will help you in taking care of your bearded dragon in a better way, such as The Bearded Dragon Guide or Bearded DragonSecret Manual. There are tons of excellent books written on the topic. Attention to detail is the key to raising small bearded dragons. Younger bearded dragons can be very sensitive though the one who have grown adult may be a lot more capable of not getting impacted by small bouts of care that is not up to the mark.

What about baby bearded dragon light and heat?

You should closely monitor the enclosure for rising and falling temperatures. Baby bearded dragons can dehydrate very quickly due to rising temperatures if it results in too much of heat. Always make sure that the animals always have an accessible basking area that is warm and also to areas that are cool in the enclosure.

Adult dragons can be safely allowed to get comfortable with basking in temperatures that can go as high as one hundred and thirty degrees. They, however should be doing this only for very short amounts of time as their mass gets to allow them to be warming up slowly. However, baby bearded dragons should not have more than ninety five to a hundred degrees of temperature in their basking spots. Never try to guess a temperature that is what thermometers are for.

When it comes for reptile use, never skimp on a good quality thermometer that is specifically designed for use with reptiles. A lot of good reptile keepers have observed that keeping two thermometers, one for each end of the enclosure) results in simplifying monitoring of high and low temperatures by elimination of the need for constant relocation of that single device. A full spectrum of light is required for maintaining most desert lizards for a long time. Bearded dragons also form part of this and thus do not make an exception to this rule.

They need to be provided with ten to twelve hours of light that is full spectrum. You will need a specially designed bulb for these purposes. You can find that these have been traditionally been in the market in the form of fluorescent tubes specifically for such purposes.

Handling of the baby bearded dragons

One of the pitfalls that typically happen to a lot of many first-time reptile keepers is animals who get stressed because of over handling. Just as each individual, each reptile too has a varying tolerance to human contact. You are fortunate as the bearded dragons are much more content in being picked up and to interact with on an ongoing basis.

Nonetheless, you should begin very slowly, thus allowing the baby bearded dragon enough time to get used to both the human contact and its new surroundings. Do bear in mind that baby bearded dragons are just babies. They have come to experience a lot of things for the first time and tend to be easily overwhelmed or even frightened. It is for all these reasons that you should keep the handling to a minimum until the dragon has had enough time for settling in.

Once the reptile starts feeding regularly and seems to be showing regular behavioral patterns, you can start handling them regularly. It is always best to start slowly. Gently lift the animal in your palm and allow it to sit, without any restrictions, for a few minutes. Over a period of time, the lizard will begin to realize that human beings mean no harm to them and by the time they are one year old, they will be totally in their comfort zone while being hand fed or sitting on your shoulder.


In conclusion, caring for a baby bearded dragon can be a rewarding experience but requires careful attention to their diet, habitat, and socialization needs. With proper care, a baby bearded dragon can grow into a healthy and happy adult that will provide years of enjoyment to their owner. It’s important to do thorough research and consult with a veterinarian to ensure that your baby bearded dragon is receiving the best possible care.

Since you made it till the end, you seem so interested in bearded dragons, for that reason you may want to take a look at the Top 10 facts about the bearded dragon that will shock you

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can bearded dragons eat baby arugula?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat baby arugula as part of a balanced and varied diet. Arugula is a nutritious leafy green that can provide vitamins and minerals for bearded dragons. However, it should be fed in moderation and not be the sole source of their diet.

How many Dubai roaches for baby bearded dragon?

A baby bearded dragon should be fed about 20-30 appropriately sized Dubia roaches per day. The size of the roaches should be smaller than the space between the bearded dragon’s eyes.

Why is my baby bearded dragon not moving?

There could be several reasons why a baby bearded dragon is not moving. It could be due to a health issue or an environmental issue, such as improper temperature or lighting. It is important to consult with a veterinarian or a reptile expert to determine the cause and address the issue promptly.


Hello, I’m Alexander, a dedicated animal enthusiast with a special passion for pets, especially cats. In addition to my love for animals, I focus on writing about pet care, sharing valuable insights, and offering practical advice for pet owners. Through this blog, I aim to connect with like-minded individuals and celebrate the unique bond we share with our pets.

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  1. To provide a general range, baby bearded dragons may eat between 25 and 80 crickets in just one day.

  2. Best stars you can see !

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