Top 10 facts about Gerbils you didn’t know

Gerbils are energetic, social rodents known for their playful nature, easy care, and suitability as pets for families and first-time owners.

Earlier known as desert rats, gerbils are mammals that belong to the rodent family. There are over 110 species of rats in this family. Ever since the beginning of the 19th century, gerbils have been domesticated in many countries. However, some places like California and New Zealand don’t allow these animals as pets.  The Mongolian gerbils were the first species to be kept as pets. Here are the top 10 facts about gerbils that you should be aware of, before getting one as a pet.

Top 10 facts about Gerbils

1. Gerbils have Social nature

Gerbils love company. They are very social, and they love to fight and play with other gerbils. Therefore, when you want to get a gerbil as a pet, you should always consider buying more than 1, because the more, the merrier! When you buy only 1 gerbil, you are going against the animal’s nature. A lonely gerbil falls sick often and dies quicker than gerbils that live in groups. These animals can be happy and healthy only when they have company.

2. Gerbils have Easy maintenance

Unlike other pets such as ferrets, gerbils are very easy to maintain. They fall into a sleeping and diet pattern very quickly. You can give store-bought gerbil food along with parrot feed to your gerbils every day. You can also give them fruits, cheese, peanuts and other treats occasionally. Gerbils usually sleep for a couple of hours around 5 times a day. However, it is very easy for them to get adjusted to your sleep routine as well. So, you don’t have to worry if they will keep you busy at night.

3. Gerbils Thumping their legs

Usually, gerbils are calm and quiet. They enjoy the company of fellow gerbils, and they don’t disturb you at all. However, if you notice them thumping their long, rear legs vehemently on the ground, it could surprise you. Loud thumping of the legs could only mean that your gerbils feel threatened. You need to immediately check if your other pets such as cats, dogs or ferrets are nearby. These can easily catch and kill your gerbils.

4. Gerbils Continuous gnawing

Gerbils are known for their incessant gnawing habit. This is why you shouldn’t make houses of wood or wire for them. Excessive chewing of wood and metal can cause a lot of health issues for them. Also, when you choose to chew toys for your gerbils, you should ensure that you don’t buy them anything that is made out of plastic or other chemicals. they chew whatever they are given; so, you should remember to get them only those toys that are made from natural and toxic-free wood, cardboard, etc.

5. Gerbils don’t like mess

Gerbils like to keep themselves clean and hygienic; this point is very surprising, especially because they belong to the rodent family. Rodents are known for their smelly nature. Gerbils are an exception, though! They roll on sand whenever they feel dirty to clean the debris. This leaves them with a shiny and silky coat of fur. Also, they don’t like mess in their cages. Since they are naturally adapted to the warmth of the deserts, they don’t urinate too much. They have a fixed place in their cage to urinate and excrete. They will always use only that place for these purposes.

6. Gerbils shed their tail

We all know that different animals have different defense mechanisms. They defend themselves by shedding their tails when they are caught. The tails grow back soon, though. This is why it is important never to hold a gerbil by its tail. It feels threatened and immediately sheds its tail as a way of escaping your hold. While the tail does grow back soon, the process of tail-shedding and tail-regrowth is quite stressful for the small animal. If you have kids at home, you should teach them that it is wrong to hold a gerbil by its tail.

7. Gerbils Continuous growth of teeth

Gerbils can live for a maximum of 5 years if they are taken care of properly. Throughout their lifetime, you will notice that their teeth continue to grow. This is why it is important to keep giving them something to chew always. If their teeth are not put into motion, they can grow in a disorderly way and cause severe pain and mouth injury to the gerbils.

Gerbils usually have yellow teeth, because of the high iron content in their food. This is not a cause for concern. You should be worried only if your gerbil appears to be in severe discomfort while chewing or opening its mouth. In extreme cases, the animal will stop eating, because of the acute pain.

8. Gerbils housing requirements

There are many simple and affordable gerbil housing options in many pet stores across the world today. If you are opting for plastic cages, ensure that the plastic is toxic-free. Houses made of glass are a great option for gerbils. Since these animals are very social and active, they need big cages for them to move around freely. Experts recommend at least 5 gallons of space per gerbil to ensure free movement of the animal.

9. Gerbils diet

The diet of a gerbil should mainly consist of pellets and seeds.  While pellets do have high nutritional content, they have to be substituted with healthy seeds and seed mixes to ensure that your gerbil eats a balanced diet. Small pieces of fruits & vegetables, cheese, raisins, sunflower seeds, breakfast cereals, and mealworms should be given only on rare occasions.

10. Gerbils Regular health checks

It is important that you conduct regular health checks on your gerbils to diagnose issues, if any, in the early stages itself. A visit to the veterinarian is recommended at least once in 6 months, to keep your pets healthy always.


Have these top 10 facts about gerbils answered all your queries? Though these are easy-maintenance pets, just like guinea Pig you should be very careful about their housing and companionship. Keep them happy and active in their houses, and you can be assured of their good health, all through their lifetime.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can gerbils eat almonds?

Gerbils can eat almonds, but it is not recommended to feed them too many due to their high-fat content. Almonds are also low in calcium and high in phosphorus, which can disrupt the calcium-phosphorus balance in a gerbil’s diet. It’s best to offer almonds as an occasional treat in small amounts and always make sure they are unsalted and unflavored.

Can gerbils eat cucumbers?

Yes, gerbils can eat cucumbers as they are safe and healthy for them. Cucumbers are a good source of hydration and vitamins for gerbils, and their high water content can also help with digestion.

Can gerbils eat cheese?

Gerbils should not eat cheese as it is high in fat and protein content, which can cause digestive problems for them. Cheese can also lead to obesity and other health issues in gerbils. A balanced diet for gerbils consists mainly of a high-quality commercial pellet mix, supplemented with fresh vegetables and occasional fruits and seeds as treats.


Hello, I’m Alexander, a dedicated animal enthusiast with a special passion for pets, especially cats. In addition to my love for animals, I focus on writing about pet care, sharing valuable insights, and offering practical advice for pet owners. Through this blog, I aim to connect with like-minded individuals and celebrate the unique bond we share with our pets.

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