what kind of fruit can bearded dragons eat, beginner’s guide

What Kind of Fruit Can Bearded Dragons Eat? Bearded dragons can enjoy fruits like berries, mango, and papaya in moderation for a healthy diet.

Bearded dragons are reptiles that enjoy a lot of popularity among new and experienced pet lovers. One of the most important questions in the minds of people is what kind of fruit can bearded dragons eat. Yes, you can give them fruits, but not in large quantities. Papayas, bananas, apples, berries, peaches, grapes, plums and pears are some fruits that bearded dragons like.

what kind of fruit can bearded dragons eat

In this article, we will give you some important information about taking care of bearded dragons and the diet that you should follow for them. We will also give you answers to the question, what kind of fruit can bearded dragons eat.  This will help you to keep your bearded dragon pets (both babies and adults) happy and satisfied.

Keeping baby bearded dragons as pets

Before we tell you about the baby bearded dragon diet and the ways to feed these reptiles, let us give you an overview of how to care for your pets. Since their natural habitat is the desert, bearded dragons are quite particular about their ambiance, though not very fussy. This is one of the main reasons why they are great pets for newbie pet dealers as well.

Bearded dragon Tank requirements

What kind of fruit can bearded dragons eat? We know this question has been pressing your minds for a long time. However, is it not important to know about the tank sizes of these beardies, before you proceed to feed them? Here are some parameters that you have to look into for the same:

  • Choose glass tanks that have at least 20 gallons capacity for your bearded dragons.
  • You will need at least a 40-gallon tank for a beardie that grows to a maximum of 16 inches in length; therefore, choose the tank size in accordance with the size of the bearded dragons.
  • It is always better that you buy a big tank initially, even if you are buying a baby, because the reptile will grow big in no time.
  • Ensure that the tank is kept lit for around 12 to 14 hours every day with the help of full-spectrum lights; this will mimic the natural desert habitat of these bearded dragons.
  • You should be very careful about the temperature settings of the tank. Unlike most of the other pets, you have to maintain two different temperature settings at two sides of the tank. While one side should be set to around 93 degrees F, the other side should be set to 90 degrees F. At night, you should remember to lower the temperature to around 75 degrees F.

Now that you are comfortable with the tank settings, let us get into the basics of the diet structure that you should follow when you have a bearded dragon as a pet.

What can you feed the bearded dragons

If you have been thinking what kind of fruit can bearded dragons eat, you must understand that fruits should be given to them only like treats. Their diet should mainly consist of insects, worms, greens and vegetables.

Insects and worms should form an important part of the diet of the bearded dragons. Here is a list of worms that you can feed your pets to give them enough nutrients:

  • Crickets
  • Mealworms
  • Wax Worms
  • Horn Worms
  • Super Worms
  • Butter Worms
  • Phoenix Worms
  • King Worms
  • Earthworms
  • Cockroaches
  • Locusts

Dark-colored leafy greens should also be fed to your bearded dragons at regular intervals. Some of the examples of greens that you can feed your bearded dragons every day are:

  • Turnip Greens
  • Mustard Greens
  • Collard Greens
  • Kale
  • Parsley

Carrots can be included in the staple diet plan of bearded dragons almost every day. Apart from this, you can also feed them other nutrient-rich vegetables such as:

  • Ladies’ Finger
  • Sweet Potato
  • Butternut Squash
  • Bell Peppers
  • Peas
  • Green Beans
  • Lettuce
  • Broccoli (occasionally)

Constitution of the diet structure of the bearded dragons

Almost 75% of your bearded dragon’s diet should consist of live insects. Greens and vegetables should form part of around 20% of your diet. That brings us to the main question on hand, what kind of fruit can bearded dragons eat.  You can feed your beardies almost any fruit, but you should remember that fruits should only form part of 5% of their diet. It is enough if you feed them fruits once a week.

Some FAQs on the fruit-eating habits of bearded dragons

If you have been wondering what kind of fruit can bearded dragons eat, this small FAQ structure will help answer most of your questions regarding the same:

Can bearded dragons eat bananas?

Yes, you can feed bananas to your bearded dragons, but only once in a month or so. These sugary fruits have the tendency to ferment and cause teeth problems to your pets. Also, since bananas are rich in phosphorous, eating too many of them can reduce the calcium levels in your bearded dragons. When he calcium levels come down, it will lead to the weakening of the bones and in the onset of a condition known as Metabolic Bone Disease.

If you have been looking for the answer to the question, can bearded dragons eat bananas we hope you would have got some clarity now. As the dragons keep aging, you have to reduce the quantity of bananas that you have been feeding to your pets.

Can bearded dragons eat raspberries?

If you have been thinking can bearded dragons eat raspberries, you will be thrilled to know that your pets love these fruits a lot. The only hitch is that they can get too attracted to these fruits, which can be quite harmful to them. Raspberries have a moderate level of oxalates in them; therefore, they should be given as treats only. It is highly recommended that you limit feeding raspberries to your adult bearded dragons once a month or so.

Can bearded dragons eat kiwi?

Kiwi is a soft fruit and therefore many people think that it is alright to feed their bearded dragons this fruit on a regular basis. However, if you really think hard on the question, can bearded dragons eat kiwi, you will realize that kiwi fruit contains a large amount of oxalic acid, which can be quite harmful to your pet in the long run.

The kiwi fruit is a good treat that you can feed your pets once a month or so, because the vitamin C content in it provides a reasonable amount of nutrients. Feeding them kiwis too often can bind calcium, which can lead to calcium deficiency in the bearded dragons.

What kind of fruit can bearded dragons eat? We hope from the above sections you would have got an idea on what to feed and what not to feed your pets. However, apart from bananas, raspberries and kiwis, you should also be aware of some other fruits that should or should not form part of your pet’s diet. Here are some details of the other common fruits:

Can bearded dragons eat Apples

Though they are good treats, you should remember to cut off the peel of the apples before feeding the same to your pets. Also, since they are quite hard, it is prudent to cut the apples into small pieces before you feed them the same once a month or so.

Can bearded dragons eat Blueberries

Like raspberries, blueberries too contain a reasonable amount of oxalates, which reduce the calcium levels in the body of the bearded dragons, when fed regularly. Therefore, blueberries should also form a rare part of your pet’s diet.

Can bearded dragons eat Mango

You cannot miss thinking of the mango when you ponder on the question, what kind of fruit can bearded dragons eat. Mangoes are very sweet and tasty, which is why your pets will love them. However, since they are high in sugar and oxalate content, you should feed them this fruit in very moderate quantities only.

Can bearded dragons eat Strawberries

Like most of the other fruits, strawberries, when fed in large quantities, can impact the calcium levels in bearded dragons. Also, your pets tend to choke on these berries as they are quite large-sized. So, even if you include them once a month as a treat, you should remember to break down the fruits into small pieces.

Can bearded dragons eat Blackberries

Blackberries can be fed as treats to your bearded dragons, but only if they are grown in your own homes or bought from stores. Never feed blackberries picked in the wild to your pets, as the toxins and chemicals in these wild fruits can prove to be fatal for your bearded dragons. Other fruits – If you have been wondering what kind of fruit can bearded dragons eat in moderate quantities, you can also consider other options such as oranges, rhubarb, cherries and grapes.


As you can see, you have to put in a lot of time and effort in deciding the diet plan of your bearded dragons. You must pay attention to what kind of fruit can bearded dragons eat and prepare them accordingly (by peeling off the skin, cutting into small pieces, etc.) so that your pets enjoy them.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can a bearded dragon eat dragon fruit?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat dragon fruit in moderation. Dragon fruit is a good source of vitamins and minerals, and can be a healthy addition to a bearded dragon’s diet. However, it should not be the main staple food, and should be offered as a treat alongside other vegetables and insects.

Can bearded dragons eat frozen fruit?

It’s not recommended to feed bearded dragons frozen fruit, as the freezing process can cause the fruit to lose some of its nutritional value. Additionally, frozen fruit can be harder for a bearded dragon to digest, and may cause digestive issues. It’s best to offer fresh fruits and vegetables as part of a balanced diet for your bearded dragon.

What fruit can bearded dragons eat?

Bearded dragons can eat a variety of fruits as a part of their balanced diet. Some safe fruits for bearded dragons include strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, mangoes, and papayas. It’s important to remember to offer fruits in moderation and to avoid feeding fruits high in sugar or oxalates, such as citrus fruits and grapes.


Hello, I’m Alexander, a dedicated animal enthusiast with a special passion for pets, especially cats. In addition to my love for animals, I focus on writing about pet care, sharing valuable insights, and offering practical advice for pet owners. Through this blog, I aim to connect with like-minded individuals and celebrate the unique bond we share with our pets.

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  1. Thank you this helps me and my bearded dragon, and my Beardy loves bananas.

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