what to use for dog ear infection before its too late

What to Use for Dog Ear Infection? Use vet-approved ear cleaners or antibiotics, and always consult your vet for the right treatment and guidance.

Taking care of a pet involves a lot of commitment and dedication from you. Dogs and all other pets are prone to diseases and need timely treatment. However, going to the vet need not be the right solution at all times. Some ailments can be treated naturally, too. What to use for dog ear infection when you spot your Catahoula leopard dog seems to scratch its nose frequently? You can try some home remedies and over the counter medicines that we have mentioned in this article.

In a hurry? Check This Out!!

If you don’t have much time to read the entire review, then use the links below to quickly find the best Dog ear infection medicine on Amazon. You can be assured we only choose the best ones based on Customers Reviews…

Zymox Pet King Brand Otic Pet Ear Treatment with Hydrocortisone
Zymox Pet King Brand Otic Pet Ear Treatment with Hydrocortisone
Check Prices
Vet Organics EcoEars Dog Ear Cleaner. Natural Multi-Action Formula
Vet Organics EcoEars Dog Ear Cleaner. Natural Multi-Action Formula
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BEXLEY LABS Curaseb Cat & Dog Ear Infection Treatment
BEXLEY LABS Curaseb Cat & Dog Ear Infection Treatment
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what to use for dog ear infection

All that you need to know about dog ear infections

When you spot an ear infection in your dogs, your mind is continuously looking for answers to the question, what to use for dog ear infection. If you are new to handling pets, you might fret at first sight of the infection and make a quick appointment with your vet right away.

However, if you are an experienced dog owner, you will not get into panic mode, because you know that there are quite a lot of home remedies and simple medications that can treat infections. Before you decide on the medications that would work for your pet dog, here are some basic concepts about dog ear infections that you should know about:

  • Not all dogs are prone to ear infections. Dogs that tend to swim a lot and those that have long, bushy and curved ears are more prone to ear infections than dogs with short and straight ears.
  • Ear infection in dogs is usually the result of a bacterial infection. Before deciding on the answer to the question, what to use for dog ear infection, you must first understand why the infection happened, to provide the right treatment for your pet.
  • Otitis externa, otitis media and otitis internal are the three main types of ear infections that can affect dogs. While the first one is because of the inflammation to the cells on the outer lining of the ear, the other two are because of inflammations on the cells on the middle and internal part of the ear. Therefore, they are quite complex to treat than the first type of infection.
  • A bacterial infection caused due to moisture buildup in the ear is only one of the causes of ear infection in dogs. The other causes of ear infection in dogs can be yeasts and fungal problems as well.

Does your dog have an ear infection?

If you want to know how to treat dog ear infection naturally, you should first understand if your dog has an infection. Most of the times, this is the tough part. Your dog may exhibit various symptoms to prove this fact. It is important to watch out for strange behaviors of your pet if any, because this will help you get rid of the infections right in the early stages itself.

Symptoms of dog ear infection

Here are some of the common symptoms that you watch out for in your dogs, before you decide what to use for dog ear infection:

  • Intense scratching of the ear or the skin around the ear
  • Instances of deafness (happens when the infection is severe)
  • Foul smell emanating from the ear
  • Blood discharge  or a yellowish/brown discharge from the infected area
  • Rapid hair loss around the area of infection
  • Rubbing of the infected area on all kinds of surfaces
  • Titling or nodding head in a strange way
  • Moving around in circles
  • Weird movements of the eye
  • Not able to move around steadily without falling
  • Development of scales on the skin around the infected area
  • Redness and swelling of the affected part

Dog ear infection medicine

If you are looking for the right dog ear infection medicine for your pet, you could try some of the highly popular over the counter medicines that have been endorsed by thousands of pet owners on Amazon, or you could opt for simple & natural home remedies.

Here are some over the counter options that can work well for you:

Zymox Pet King Brand Otic Pet Ear Treatment with Hydrocortisone

About the Product:
– Ear care for dogs and cats – soothes ear infections.
– Solution provides a safe, natural alternative to oral medication with 1% Hydrocortisone for itch relief.

This is a simple and good solution to get rid of ear infection in your pet dogs.

It is a safe solution as it doesn’t contain any antibiotics. All you need to do is to use this once a day for about a week on your dog’s ears to see your pet get immense relief from the pain caused by the infections. These ear drops contain natural enzymes, which provide great relief in treating bacterial, yeast and fungal infections.

Curaseb Dog Ear Infection Treatment

BEXLEY LABS Curaseb Cat & Dog Ear Infection Treatment

About this Product:
– Treats Ear Infections, Inflammation, Redness, Itchiness and Head Shaking caused by Unwanted Foreign Visitors.
– Perfect for Routine Ear Cleaning Especially After Swims and Baths.

Do you want to know what to use for dog ear infection? This simple but powerful solution is the right choice for you. Effective in treating bacterial, yeast, mite and fungal infections, this solution helps in providing immense relief from the pain and foul smell that emanates due to ear infection in dogs.

This solution contains prescription-grade ketoconazole, thanks to which you can master the art of how to treat dog ear infections without vet visits. This ear flush is water-based and alcohol-free; therefore, you can not only use it for treating stubborn infections, but for foul smell and skin rashes as well.

EcoEars  Natural Dog Cleaner

Vet Organics EcoEars Dog Ear Cleaner. Natural Multi-Action Formula

About this Product:
– #1 MULTI-ACTION DOG EAR CLEANER – Use for bad smell, dirt and gunk.

One of the best ways on how to treat dog ear infection without vet is to use this EcoEars natural dog cleaner. All kinds of dog ear infections, swelling, itching, foul smell and head-nodding issues can be prevented completely by using this ear cleaner. You can be assured that this cleaner is absolutely safe for your dogs because it is free from chemicals, antibiotics, steroids and other toxins.

You will also notice that once you start using this solution, the foul-smelling discharge from the infection of the dog’s ears will stop immediately. That’s not all! If you aren’t satisfied with this product, you can also claim for a 100% refund of your money.

Is there a home remedy for dog ear infection?

Yes, not one, but a lot of natural remedies are available for your dog ear infections. We will take you through some of the most common and time-tested natural remedies to treat dog ear infections effectively. These natural tips and remedies are surely a god-send for people who are confused about what to use for dog ear infection.

  1. Make a mixture of garlic oil and mullein oil. Apply around 6 drops of this mixture on the infected ear of your dog. You need to continue this for 10 days. After 10 days, you will notice that the swelling due to ear infection has reduced considerably. You will also notice visible improvement in the foul smell, discharge and pain due to ear infections.
  2. Warm compresses can be very relaxing for your dog, especially when he suffers from a painful ear infection. Regular warm compresses can help control the inflammation in the animal’s ear.
  3. If your dog suffers from frequent ear infections, it is high time you improve its immunity. Giving your dog regular doses of Vitamin C not only develops the overall immunity system of your pet, but also helps in the healthy secretion from its adrenalin glands, which play a vital role in controlling infections and inflammations.
  4. Most of the times, when there is a lot of hair growth around your dog’s ears, it can impact the air flow inside the air, thereby keeping the ears dry and prone to infections. One of the best ways to control this infection is to trim the hair around your dog’s ear regularly. This will allow free air movement inside the ears and keep infections at bay.
  5. You can make a simple spray of water and apple cider vinegar at home and pour the mixture in a spray bottle. Spray this mixture in the dog’s ear at regular intervals. The anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties of this mixture provide quick relief for ear infections in dogs.
  6. Make a mixture containing equal parts of mineral oil and pau d’ arco. Pour this mixture in the dog’s infected area at least thrice a day for ten days or so. Since pau d’ arco is a herbal antibiotic, you can get rid of dog’s ear infections naturally.
  7. Mix a drop of oregano oil to aloe vera juice. Soak a cotton ball in this mixture and gently swab your dog’s ear with it. The natural antibiotic properties of oregano oil help to control ear infections in dogs.
  8. Heat a mixture of about 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and a couple of garlic cloves. Allow the mixture to cool off a little and pour two to three drops of this mixture in your dog’s ear thrice a day for a week. This will provide immense relief for your pet.

We hope by now, you would have got an idea of what to use for dog ear infection. However, you should know when to seek medical intervention, because, at one point of time, natural remedies and over the counter medicines may not work anymore.

Is your dog suffering from frequent ear infections? As we already told you in the previous section, giving regular doses of Vitamin C to boost the immunity of your pet. However, that alone may not solve the problem. There could be other inherent problems in your dog, which you may not notice. Some of these problems are the following:

Irregular bowel movements

One of the main reasons for chronic ear infections in dogs is a poor gut.  An unhealthy gut and irregular bowel movements can make your dog prone to chronic ear infections. Therefore, it is very important for you first to check the gut health of your pet and get it corrected before you proceed to control ear infections in it. The ways in which you can ensure that you take care of your pet’s gut health and control allergic reactions in them are:

Diet management – Avoid feeding a lot of processed and grain-based foods to your pets. Also, avoid feeding a lot of preservatives and additives-rich foods, dairy products and sugary foods to your pets as it can cause a lot of infections and allergic reactions in them.

Healthy lifestyle – Dogs are very active creatures; therefore, when you keep them tied to one place for long hours they get bored and stressed. Stress can impact the gut health of your dogs and also cause allergic reactions in them. Therefore, helping them lead an active lifestyle can make them less prone to ear infections as well.

Medicine management – Too many drugs, chemicals and vaccines can not only impact the gut health of your dogs but can also make them prone to skin rashes and infections. This is why it becomes very imperative to resort to herbal solutions and natural remedies to treat your dogs, as this way, you can be assured of zero side effects.


Regardless of whether you are a new or experienced dog owner, we are sure that by now you would have got an idea of what to use for dog ear infection. The key is to find out the symptoms of the infections at an early stage so that it becomes easy to treat them naturally without having the necessity to take your dog to the vet. Also, before you proceed to treat the ear infections, we request you to understand the nature of the infections so that you can choose the right kind of treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can a dog ear infection cause eye problems?

It is possible for a dog with an ear infection to develop eye problems, although it is not a common occurrence. The inflammation and irritation associated with an ear infection can sometimes spread to the surrounding tissues, including the eyes. If you notice any changes in your dog’s eyes, such as redness, discharge, or squinting, it’s important to seek veterinary attention right away.

Can my dog swim with an ear infection?

It is generally not recommended to allow a dog with an ear infection to swim, as the moisture can exacerbate the infection and make it more difficult to treat. Swimming can also increase the risk of water getting trapped in the ear canal, which can lead to further complications. It’s best to consult with your veterinarian before allowing your dog to swim while dealing with an ear infection.

Can ear infections cause seizures in dogs?

While ear infections can be uncomfortable and even painful for dogs, they typically do not cause seizures. Seizures can be caused by a variety of underlying medical conditions, such as epilepsy or brain tumors, so it’s important to seek veterinary attention if you suspect your dog is experiencing seizures. Your veterinarian can help diagnose and treat the underlying cause of the seizures, which may or may not be related to an ear infection.


Hello, I’m Alexander, a dedicated animal enthusiast with a special passion for pets, especially cats. In addition to my love for animals, I focus on writing about pet care, sharing valuable insights, and offering practical advice for pet owners. Through this blog, I aim to connect with like-minded individuals and celebrate the unique bond we share with our pets.

1 Comment
  1. In both cases, it’s because they have too much moisture trapped in their ears, leading to formation and growth of bacteria. Fortunately, dog ear infections are easily treatable. Let’s find out the three types of ear infections dogs get, the common reasons for them, and what the symptoms are so you know when to call your family vet for an appointment.

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