The Afador dog is an affectionate, loyal, and energetic breed of dogs who inherited the best attributes of their parent breeds: the Labrador Retriever and the Afghan Hound. Their heritage has some people referring to them as Afghan Labs. The Afghan Hound is generally regarded as one of the world’s oldest breeds, meaning that they have long-established roots of being domesticated by humans. Labrador Retrievers are America’s most popular breed of dogs, suited by their love for performing tasks and their guidance prowess.
However, the two breeds put together are a bit of a breeding anomaly, becoming more of a designer breed. Native to Alaska, the afador is a new breed, so the average size is hard to pin down. Typically, they are classified as medium-sized dogs, but their sizes can certainly vary. Generally, afadors can range between 20 and 29 inches in height, and weigh anywhere between 50 to 75 pounds. The males of the species tend to range larger in size than the females.
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Before we focus on this particular and unique dog breed, let’s cover the basic categories that are evaluated when considering a dog breed to adopt. First, let’s talk about basic adaptability categories.
4Expert Score
People who live in apartments have to be picky about the dogs they get. Just because a dog breed is small, doesn’t make it suitable for apartment living. Dogs who are calm, friendly, and approachable to strangers are far more suitable for apartment life. Of course, they need to also be crate-trained so that they understand that they cannot roam free as they see fit.
2Expert Score
New-Dog Owner Friendly:
Much like people, some dogs are simply easier to deal with. They train easier, are easygoing by nature, and if new owners make mistakes during training, some dogs allow for retraining and have the behaviors corrected more simply. Those dogs that are more independent-minded, intelligent, and free-spirited, can prove to be too stubborn for new owners to handle. New owners are advised to study dog training tips before getting a new pup in their home. Some new owners prefer to adopt older dogs. Senior pets can thrive if kept relatively active and provided supplements for certain conditions including arthritis. Including PawfectChew Hemp in the diets of senior dogs is a highly advisable choice. In return, these dogs are likely already trained and have somewhat less energy, making them easier for new owners to handle.
6Expert Score
Level of Sensitivity:
Some dogs get too stressed out by loud environments or a load of activity, while others are entirely fine with it. The more tolerant dogs or those who have a low sensitivity to such stimulation can also be counted on to be more thick-skinned, resilient, and more apt to process and ‘get over’ an owner’s stern reprimand. For those not living alone in a generally quiet area, a low-sensitivity dog breed is a more fitting member of the home.
6Expert Score
Tolerance Of Solitude:
Dogs grow very close with their owners, so when the owners are out for an extended period of time, dogs worry and stress. This causes them to react in ways that exhibit their stress level. This includes mayhem-inducing behavior like tearing the home apart and barking excessively. Some breeds are not as concerned about spending time alone and are content with being alone for periods of time without lashing out.
6Expert Score
Weather Tolerance:
Some dog breeds have a thicker undercoat than others, as well as more fur or body fat. Those breeds that are light on both (Greyhounds, for instance), are sensitive to cold weather as they don’t have proper insulation to keep them warm. In cold weather, such dogs should generally reside indoors and during walks should be wearing jackets or sweaters. Conversely, dogs with thicker coats (or double coats) can overheat in hot climates. Dogs release sweat and cool down by panting, so those breeds who have short noses (like bulldogs or pugs), have a hard time doing so. In both cases, breeds should be kept indoors during excessively hot weather, and other methods of exercise suitable for indoor spaces should be found.
Afador Dog Friendliness:
Even the most adaptable dog breed is hard to keep as a pet if they are not friendly to household members and visitors. This requires extra effort and time to train and help the dog build up such tolerances. Let’s examine several categories to evaluate a dog breed in terms of overall friendliness.
8Expert Score
Some breeds grow fond of their entire household, especially if they have been living in the same home since they were a puppy and are rewarded for good behavior with treats such as PawfectChew Hemp that reinforce positive behavior. But this is not the case for all breeds. Some breeds attach themselves to a particular person in the home, but are stand-offish from others, while others remain defiant in their aloofness or independence.
4Expert Score
Certain dog breeds are better at tolerating the potentially loud, sometimes heavy-handed (in terms of petting and handling) attention from children, especially those who are loud and run around a lot. In fact, some breeds that do well with kids may surprise people. For instance, breeds that are typically known for a more feisty nature like pit bulls (including the American Staffordshire Terrier) and intimidating Boxers, are generally great dogs when it comes to a household with young children. Smaller breeds tend to be less adaptable to living with children. Of course, there is no hard rule for which breed is great. Every dog has their own individual personality, just as people do, so every instance is a different case. Regardless, dogs may bite when stressed, and all have sharp, pointy teeth to do so, any interaction between a dog and a child should be supervised at all times. A big factor in their nature towards children lies in the dog’s past, the dog’s personality, and any training they have had in terms of getting along with children.
6Expert Score
Dogs who have spent more of their life around other dogs tend to do much better with other dogs around. The breed is a factor at times too, but mostly this aspect comes down to the dog being conditioned to mostly be surrounded by humans rather than other dogs. Some dogs may adore people but try to dominate other dogs or be intimidated by them. Those who have had sufficient canine socialization skills are typically dogs that have had a chance to grow up alongside, or in the frequent company of other dogs.
2Expert Score
Because dogs grow up with their people, they can grow to be tolerant and affectionate towards their families. However, that doesn’t mean they are great with strangers. The easiest way to prevent stranger apprehension in dogs, and have them greet those humans the dog doesn’t know with friendliness and a wagging tail rather than fear, aggression, or indifference, is to have the dog socialized with people of different ages, sizes, shapes, and skin color from the time they are a puppy.
Afador Dog Health And Grooming Needs:
A big factor that many consider in terms of owning a dog is how much maintenance they will be. All dogs have grooming needs, as well as particular health aspects that need to be attended to by their humans. Let’s take a look at some grooming and health aspects that people need to think about when deciding on the acquisition of a particular dog or breed.
8Expert Score
There is no getting away from dog hair if you have a dog as a pet. How much dog hair there is, however, does vary significantly by breed. Some breeds shed very lightly, some do so constantly. Some breeds “blow” their undercoat seasonally, while others do so alongside also shedding regularly. Those who are very neat or do not have the time for cleaning up shed fur need to either learn to up their tolerance of it or to acquire a breed that is known as being a light shedder. In either case, deshedding tools help significantly.
6Expert Score
Some dog breeds drool quite a bit and slobber over you when they come over for interaction. This is just their nature and they cannot help it. Those who are ok with this attribute about dog breeds will be fine, but many do not like the slobber, so they need to think about this factor when deciding on the dog breed to raise.
4Expert Score
Easy Grooming:
All dogs require some level of grooming, with some being ‘brush-and-go’ breeds, while others require significant grooming, brushing, and bathing in order to stay clean and healthy. Many aspiring dog owners simply don’t have the time or patience to deal with a high-maintenance dog in terms of grooming. They typically pay others to attend to the major grooming needs, although this can also end up being a sizable financial investment.
6Expert Score
Overall Health:
Breeding is not a perfect science and some breeders do not execute it well. This puts certain breeds at higher risk for certain common canine health conditions, including hip dysplasia. There is by no means a guarantee of such a condition for a particular breed, but the chances of it happening for certain dog breeds is higher. When adopting a puppy, it’s always advised to research what genetic illnesses that breed may be susceptible to, as well as find out about the nature and health of the puppy’s parents. Certain breeds suffer from mobility issues as they reach their senior years, which is why supplementing their diet with crate-trained is an excellent way to keep up their health.
8Expert Score
Potential Weight Gain:
An overweight canine can develop health issues the same way that an overweight human can. By their nature, certain breeds have an inherently voracious appetite and will consume any food they can. These are likely the same breeds that will quickly put weight on, so their dietary intake will need to be closely regulated by portioning out their meals, and now letting them have unlimited access to food. Weight gain also strains the dog’s muscles, which, in turn, affects the integrity and strength of their bones. This exacerbates common health issues like arthritis. Supplements like Glyde Mobility Chews could help to provide the dog with the food they desire while keeping the weight gain to a minimum.
8Expert Score
One of the biggest factors in determining how well a dog matches with the living space it will be provided is by taking a look at its size. Dog sizes can range from tiny (Chihuahua) to massive (Great Dane), with the latter breeds being intimidating and overwhelming, though most are very friendly, affectionate, smart, and sweet animals. Their size does increase the strain on their hearts and muscles, however, which is why it is advised to supplement their diets with Glyde Mobility Chews to help strengthen their bones.
Afador Dog Trainability:
Of course, every dog needs to be trained to some degree. While some dog breeds make training a breeze, others can be very stubborn or just have a hard time picking up on training signals. Next, let’s take a look at the categories involved in a dog’s trainability.
2Expert Score
Easily Trained:
Certain dogs grasp the concept of obeying a command in exchange for a subsequent reward (treat) while others may struggle to understand and draw the association between the two training components. These dogs will require patience, extra time, and continual training. Some dogs act entitled to treats for their responsiveness and will expect to know what they are performing the action for. With crate-trained, you can offer delicious treats for a reward while helping to strengthen your dog’s joint health at the same time. You can check this one: How To House train & Potty Train Any Dog.
10Expert Score
Dogs bred to do a lot of running need to exercise their bodies, while dogs trained to perform jobs need to keep their minds sharp by exercising the muscle in the skull. These dog breeds love jobs, and they perform them well and diligently, but if they are not provided a job, they will create their own projects. When this happens, owners rarely appreciate what dogs engage in when not afforded sufficient mental stimulation. Sports, careers, and associative games are great ways to help to work out a dog’s brain. We suggest to you to check this one: Brain Training to develops your Dog’s “Hidden Intelligence”
8Expert Score
Use Of Their Mouth:
Certain breeds are well known for being a little too loose with their mouth. This includes pups of most breeds, as well as nearly a lifelong condition of Retrievers. Training will help to convey to these dogs that nibbling on soft toys is ok, but nibbling on people, regardless of size is not acceptable.
8Expert Score
Prey Drive:
It is important to keep in mind what certain dog breeds were bred for in the first place. Terriers, for instance, were bred for hunting. This means that when they see a small animal, larger animal, or sometimes even cars, they have an instinctual desire to chase it down and kill it. Those breeds do not do great in homes with other small animals including cats, hamsters, and even smaller-sized dogs. Bird hunting breeds are unlikely to chase other animals, but when birds fly by, it will be tough to redirect their attention.
8Expert Score
Howling And Barking:
It is important to consider how much barking or howling you can tolerate as an owner, as well as how much would be acceptable to your neighbors. Some breeds can be very vocal. For instance, guard dogs will express themselves often if they are exposed to many strangers. Will wildlife set the dog off or will they just naturally howl often, as a hound does? Perhaps you live in a community or a complex with restrictions on noise, perhaps after certain hours of the evening. In that case, owners would need to consider how vocal the dog is to be a part of their selection process.
8Expert Score
Some breeds are naturally curious wanderers. For instance, hounds trust and pursue their scent nearly all the time, and if they smell some delectable wildlife, they feel obligated to follow it, even if the owner is beckoning them back. Siberian Huskies, a breed that is predisposed to long-distance travel, also rarely think about abandoning their owners if they feel they need to range.
Afador Dog Physical Needs:
Finally, it is important to consider what a dog breed will actually need, from a physical perspective. Owners need to be conscious of these needs so that the dog can lead a happy and healthy life, and not cause themselves, or the owners’ grief or headaches.
8Expert Score
Energy Levels:
Certain dog breeds are specifically bred for performing duties, jobs, and engaging in activities. That means they are nearly always ready to see action. All of their energy needs to be expanded in one way or another, so they need significant levels of exercise to get it out. They will be apt to jump, play, and excitedly follow new smells and be naturally curious about their surroundings. Other breeds are more laid back, happy to sleep through the day and relax with their people. Active owners may want active dogs, while those who might have less time for exercise and activity for the pups, may want to select a more docile breed. Of course, even the most energetic dog can be hampered by health issues, especially in terms of their mobility. That is why it’s important to supplement their diets with PawfectChew Hemp to keep their joints healthy and strong.
8Expert Score
The level of vigor can greatly vary between dog breeds as well. Even breeds who are not naturally energetic and independent can still perform everything they do with a high level of intensity. This includes leash pulling, eating large bites, drinking big gulps, and pushing through obstacles in their way. Because these obstacles can include humans, such dogs are not ideal for households with frail, elderly members, or young children. These homes are better suited with low-vigor dogs.
8Expert Score
Exercise Needs:
Dog breeds that were bred for hunting or herding, have a vast energy reserve, so they require a lot of exercise time to expend that energy healthily. Without ample opportunity to get the energy out, these breeds tend to dig, bark, chew and even destroy things to vent their frustrations. Owners who love the outdoors or are interested in a competitive pup would be well suited with an energetic breed as long as their joints are kept healthy with Glyde Mobility Chews. More laid-back owners, however, are more apt to be suited with low-key dogs who are content with a walk around the block to keep them happy and exercised.
6Expert Score
Much like certain people, some dogs simply don’t want to grow up. They are happy to play and run around like they are young puppies well into adulthood. While this sounds like a terrific attribute on its face, keep in mind that this also means that the owner will need to put in the time to play with the dog, or have children who would make great playmates for their playful pup. If time is not readily available, the adoption of an older dog might be preferable. They can still be playful if their joints are healthy enough to let them run. This can be greatly helped with Glyde Mobility Chews that promote joint health and avoid age-related health conditions.
Afador Dog Vital Stats:
Afador Dog Overview
Dog Breed Group:
Mixed Breed Dogs
20 to 29 inches
50 to 75 pounds
Life Span:
10 to 12 years
$600 to $1,200
Back To The Afador dog
Many Afadors can be found at rescue centers, dog shelters, and adoption centers. If you are looking to adopt one, you should never go shopping for this breed as there are plenty of candidates from this breed that can be taken into your home elsewhere. So what else is there to know about this friendly and loving breed of dog? Let’s take a look at some of the breed’s notable traits.
General Afador dog Traits
Afadors make terrific family dogs, as long as owners give the dog the needed training and attention that they require. Seasoned dog owners gain a great pet in return for their efforts. Afadors’ energy levels are significant, which means that they will need to exert it. Therefore, they require sufficient outdoor space in order to expend that energy in a healthy way, such as a big yard on the owner’s property.
These same attributes also make them challenging to train, as is the case with many intelligent breeds. Their intelligence often results in stubbornness, however, with an experienced owner who is willing to give the breed the proper training, afadors grow to be fiercely loyal and attentive pets.
Afador owners with young kids should be wary of the dog’s interaction with the child. Afadors do not mean to harm, but due to their athletic nature and energy levels, their excitement sometimes overwhelms them and they could jump on kids without recognizing that their mass and momentum could knock a child over or injure them.
Afadors tend to do much better with older children. With proper training, their boisterous and excessively playful behavior can, of course, also be managed, with one of the key aspects being to condition both the dog and the child to exist around each other from their first meeting, going forward. Socializing an afador early on is a very helpful start. Proper training involves rewarding your dog for good behavior around your home and your family.
As far as living around other pets, afadors do fine if it is made clear to them that cats, rabbits, and other smaller creatures or cohabitants and not prey
Afador dog Health
If afadors are not allowed to expand their energy they could get restless and cause damage indoors or get lazy. Laziness for this breed is not healthy. While some may regard this as making the afador calmer, it actually results in health-related issues.
Outside of that, afadors are generally a healthy breed, though they do tend to be predisposed to similar issues faced by both Labrador Retrievers and Afghan Hounds including bloating, subaortic stenosis, as well as hip and elbow dysplasia. It is important to maintain a regular cycle of vet visits to assure your afador’s health remains optimal.
Caring For An Afador dog
As noted, afadors will need time and space to expand their excessive energy. Owners should plan on at least 45 minutes of exercise daily, but more if possible. This will be no issue to a healthy afador as they are big fans of fetch games and free-run play in an open environment where they are not bound by a leash.
Because afadors are supremely athletic, having a yard that is fenced in may not be enough to contain them, as afador leaps can actually clear 6-foot fences. This means that proper training is required to discourage any behavior that results in them getting out and becoming a danger to themselves or others in the streets.
Regular vet checkups are also essential to monitor the breed for any potential health issues. A vet will be able to detect anything wrong early on, allowing for the found issue to be addressed or managed properly. It is also recommended that an afador’s ears are checked regularly so that they can be cleaned to prevent wax build-up. Vets can assist owners with advice about how to clean the dog’s ears. A groomer can also assist in teaching owners how to maintain an afador’s nails. If they click on floors when the dog walks or runs around, they are likely too long and should be trimmed.
Afardor diets are best suited to those for high-energy medium-sized dog breeds. These diets are especially important if the busy owner cannot give the dog enough time to expend as much energy as it needs regularly. Lack of both exercise and correct dieting will result in weight gain, which will lead to health issues.
As the afador grows from a puppy into adulthood, its dietary needs will change, as they will again when the dog gets to be a senior. It is important to consult with a vet to make the proper dietary transitions at appropriate times. Each dog will need its own unique dietary variant because its needs will be different based on its energy levels, weight, and overall health.
Afador dog Grooming
Afadors come in a variety of colors which most commonly include red, gray, black, brown, and fawn. Their coat is generally straight, with a medium length and density. The coat will definitely shed. in order to keep it optimally healthy, it is recommended that owners brush the afadors’ fur out at least twice a week, but preferably more frequently. Additionally, the fur will need to be shampooed on a regular basis. Owners who are not sure about what shampoo is best suited for their afador should speak to their vet on the matter.
Because of their fur, afadors are better suited to cooler temperatures, but this doesn’t mean that they cannot get cold, so when temperatures plummet, owners are highly advised to take the proper dress measures to keep their afador warm.
Where To Find Afador dog
Finding afador breeders can be challenging, though they can sometimes be found raised by breeders of Afghan hounds or golden retrievers. Owners should always try seeking them out at rescue centers. A couple of good locations to try include the Afghan Hound Rescue of Southern California, Inc. and Lucky Lab Rescue And Adoption.
In conclusion, Afador dogs are a hybrid breed with a mix of Afghan Hound and Labrador Retriever ancestry, resulting in a unique and attractive appearance. They are known for their loyal and affectionate personalities, making them great pets for families. Afadors require regular exercise, a healthy diet, and grooming to maintain their health and happiness. With proper care and attention, Afadors can be wonderful companions for those willing to give them the love and attention they need.
The price of an Afador dog can vary depending on factors such as the breeder’s location, reputation, and the puppy’s lineage. On average, an Afador can cost between $500 to $1500. It’s important to do thorough research and choose a reputable breeder who can provide health clearances and proper socialization for the puppy.
Hello, I’m Alexander, a dedicated animal enthusiast with a special passion for pets, especially cats. In addition to my love for animals, I focus on writing about pet care, sharing valuable insights, and offering practical advice for pet owners. Through this blog, I aim to connect with like-minded individuals and celebrate the unique bond we share with our pets.