Dogs for autistic child that will surprise you

Dogs for Autistic Child provide emotional support and companionship, with breeds like Labradors and Golden Retrievers being great for social skill development.

Dogs are man’s best friend. If there is one pet that will stand by your side through thick and then, it has to be the faithful dog. They are a great company to have and they are used for treatment and therapeutic purposes. This is why we see several instances where dogs for autistic child are used these days. These are service dogs that help the child physically, mentally and emotionally.

Dogs for autistic child

If you are wondering how dogs can be used for autism service, this article will throw some light on the topic. Here, we will tell you about the autism-friendly dog breeds, autism service dog cost, how these dogs are put to service, where you can find them on sale and a lot of other information.

What is an autism service dog?

Before understanding the use of dogs for autistic child, we need to know what these dogs actually do as part of their autism service. To put things in a very broad perspective, these service dogs are used to ensure that the autistic patient is able to go about his/her tasks independently like all other normal people.

What are the main functions of the dogs for autistic child?

Dogs that are used as service dogs for autistic child have the following functions:

  • Protecting the safety of the child at all times
  • Supervising the child 24/7
  • Following the instructions of the child’s parents to be alert always when it comes to protecting the child
  • Intimating the parents immediately when it senses any danger to the child
  • Engaging in healthy interactions with the child to make him/her empowered and independent

As you can see from the above, an autism service dog is fully responsible for the safety of the autistic child. Therefore, they come at quite a high price. Not all dogs are equipped to become service dogs. There are specific autism service dog breeds that you can pick from. What are these breeds and how much do they cost? Keep reading to know more about them.

What are some of the dogs for autistic child, autism-friendly dog breeds?

When you want to hire a therapy or service dog to help an autistic child, you should be very particular about the breed you choose. Though there are hundreds of breeds of dogs available across the globe, not every breed can be of use to you. These breeds of dogs for autistic child are considered the best, because they are great with kids.

Kids with autism experience a lot of anxiety and have a lot of phobias deep inside their hearts. They don’t open up easily even to their family members. They may also suffer from problems such as lack of self-worth or self-confidence. This is why they need a dog that is gentle and effective at the same time. When you chose one of the right autism service dog breeds, you help your kids to unleash their emotions and become independent.

Here are the top dog breeds that you can consider for autism service for a child:

  • Golden Retriever
  • Saint Bernard
  • Newfoundland
  • Labradoodle
  • Labrador Retriever
  • Poodle
  • German Shepherd
  • Collie
  • Samoyed
  • Great Pyrenees
  • Bernese Mountain Dog
  • Beagle
  • Pit Bull

Let’s now get into a brief overview of each of these breeds to decide wisely when it comes to choosing the best small dog breed for autistic child.

1. Golden Retriever dogs for autistic child

Golden Retrievers are very gentle, loyal and loving by nature. They are easy to train and they are great with kids. They are not aggressive at all, which makes them great service dogs for autistic child.

2. Saint Bernard dogs for autistic child

The Saint Bernard is considered as one of the best dogs for autistic child, because they have given positive results while dealing with autistic children in the past. The only thing that you have to remember is to get the dog bond with your child during his early stages of autism, for best results. These dogs are very patient and very effective with kids in the age group between 2 and 6.

3. Newfoundland for autistic child

Thanks to its natural guarding and protecting characters, the Newfoundland breed of dog is a great choice to handle autistic kids. It is very friendly with kids; therefore, it helps the kids shed their inhibitions quickly and become independent.

4. Labradoodle for autistic child

These cute dogs are a cross breed between the Labrador and a Poodle. However, there is more to these dogs than their cuteness. They are highly intelligent and good family dogs, as a result of which they perform brilliantly in their therapy jobs.

5. Labrador Retriever dogs for autistic child

Though they are very intelligent, these dogs are very kind and sweet as well. They not only get along well with kids, but with other pets at home as well. Therefore, they bring out the best in your kids, when they are used for therapy or autism service.

6. Poodle dogs for autistic child

They are so cute that you want to cuddle them! However, did you know that the Poodle can also be used as an excellent therapy dog? They are very warm with the kids. They don’t shed their skin as well, which makes them a great choice for kids prone to allergies. In many ways, this is considered as the best small dog breed for autistic child by a lot of people.

7. German Shepherd dogs for autistic child

They may be traditionally used for watching over and guarding, but German Shepherds also make for great service/therapy dogs. This is because they are very easy to train and are friendly with the kids.

8. Collie for autistic child

You may not think of the cute and cuddly Collie breed of dog as the first choice for autism service. However, you will be surprised to know that this breed of dog is very sensitive to human emotions. As a result, it does a great job of helping kids with autism. It is also intelligent, warm, friendly and loyal at the same time.

9. Samoyed for autistic child

This gentle and ever-smiling dog is one of the great choices as dogs for autistic child. They love to please others and they are easy to train. This makes them great family dogs. However, they require a lot of exercise and training.

10. for autistic child Great Pyrenees

Known for its extreme dedication and commitment, the Great Pyrenees is the perfect dog for you if you want to help your autistic child. They are very gentle and patient when dealing with kids.

11. Bernese Mountain Dog for autistic child

This breed of dog is very loyal and dedicated. They are also very sensitive, which helps to deal with autistic children in the right way. Their intelligence and easy trainability are only bonuses that make them perfect therapy dogs.

12. Beagle for autistic child

Never underestimate the power of the beagle because of its small stature. Though it is a small dog, the beagle is a very chirpy and warm dog that knows its way around kids. You only have to remember that they require a lot of training.

13. Pit Bull dogs for autistic child

The nickname of the Pit Bull terriers is “nanny dogs.” If that doesn’t explain how good they are with kids, we don’t know what will! These dogs are very playful and warm. They are very gentle and overprotective about the autistic children.

Now that you have some idea about the dog breeds that can help you autism service, it becomes easy for you to choose the right one. You can make the decision based on your, your family’s and your child’s requirements. Another important factor that you have to consider is that these dogs for autistic child don’t come cheap.

Here are some details about the autism service dog cost structure that you need to be aware of. This will help you plan your finances properly so that you can afford these service dogs to help your autistic child to become independent.

dogs for autistic child the overall cost

According to the Autism Service Dogs of America, it can cost you a minimum of $10,000 to hire a dog for serving your autistic child. However, this shouldn’t discourage you; there are lots of fund-raising and non-profit organizations that can help you to raise costs to hire a service dog. According to this association, it takes around $20,000 to raise and maintain a service dog.

This cost could go up depending on the level of the training the dog requires, the condition of autism in the child, the capacity of the animal to train and learn new things and the like.  Regardless of the therapy or service you require, you should always choose an autism service dog for sale only from reputed service providers.

When you choose a trusted service provider, you will get well-trained dogs that cater to the requirements of your family and your child. An autism service dog for sale from a professional provider helps an autistic child not only in independency but also in the following areas:

  • Improved language skills
  • Improved social interaction and reduction of phobia/anxieties, if any ( by acting as the social bridge between the kid and the outside world)
  • Improved quality of life (which includes good sleeping patterns and a healthy diet)
  • Setting up a calm ambiance for the kid

By now, you know why you should choose dogs for autistic child and also from where you need to choose these canine therapists. Yes, they do come at a huge price, but that shouldn’t deter you because you can seek the help of fund raising organizations in your country to help you with the cost.

Important points to remember when choosing autism service dogs

Sensory issues of the child are very important

You must choose an autism service dog only after making a thorough analysis of your child’s sensory conditions. Some autistic kids are sensitive to loud noises; some are sensitive to crowded places; some are sensitive to rough or soft substances. Therefore, you have to train your dog accordingly to provide the calming influence on your kid.

The purpose of hiring an autism service dog is to make sure that your autistic kid is comfortable around the animal. If you don’t get a dog that is trained to suit your kid’s sensory issues, the entire purpose is defeated. In short, you get a dog that is trained in those exact areas where your kid needs help. This will ensure that the service/therapy dogs that you choose yields the desired results.

Making your family ready to welcome the dog

Yes, your autistic kid needs the services of a therapy dog. However, when you choose such a dog, you are preparing your entire family to welcome the dog. There may be people in your family who are allergic to pets. Your house may require frequent cleaning to get rid of pet hair and odor.

Also, you should be prepared for a huge spike in your monthly budget as you will have to pay for your pet’s food, medical expenses, fitness regime and training requirements. Before you choose dogs for autistic child, you should ensure that you have planned your finances well.

Never compare results

What worked for another autistic child need not work for your kid as well. This is the first and foremost point you should remember when you choose an autism service dog for your kid. Each autistic child’s needs are different. Therefore, even though you choose the same breed of dog, it will produce different results over different durations for Child A and Child B.

So what are you waiting for? Contact the autism service organizations in your locality right now to get a service dog for your autistic kid, right now. Most of these organizations have partnered with fund-raising resources so that you don’t have to pay the cost of the dogs in full.


Autism service dogs require professional training programs to address the needs of autistic kids. Therefore, we recommend you to choose dogs for autistic child from authorized organizations in your area. Your child will begin to explore his/her hidden talents and come out of her shell without any stress when you employ well-trained service dogs.  So, choose wisely to avoid any regrets in the future, and respect your dog not like those who do the dog spinning ritual

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do i know if my dog is autistic?

While dogs can exhibit behaviors that may resemble those associated with autism in humans, there is no clinical diagnosis of autism in dogs. Dogs may exhibit a range of behaviors that can indicate underlying medical or behavioral issues, such as anxiety or sensory processing issues. If you are concerned about your dog’s behavior, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian or a professional dog trainer for guidance.

Is my dog autistic?

There is no clinical diagnosis of autism in dogs. While some dogs may exhibit behaviors that resemble those associated with autism in humans, such as difficulty with social interactions or repetitive behaviors, these behaviors may be due to other underlying medical or behavioral issues. It’s best to consult with a veterinarian or a professional dog trainer for guidance if you have concerns about your dog’s behavior.


Hello, I’m Alexander, a dedicated animal enthusiast with a special passion for pets, especially cats. In addition to my love for animals, I focus on writing about pet care, sharing valuable insights, and offering practical advice for pet owners. Through this blog, I aim to connect with like-minded individuals and celebrate the unique bond we share with our pets.

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