In the Canary breed, the Song Canary bird is regarded as one of the most popular. In no small part, the bird’s popularity is attributed to its ability to produce beautifully melodic songs. The Song Canary got its name as it is primarily bred to sing, especially the males. While females sing too, they merely vocalize using chirps. The males can go as far as developing elaborate songs.
In the US, the American Singer is the most popular pet canary because it has a charming voice and it is quite easy to care for. In addition to the American Singer, there are other types of Song Canaries, such as the Spanish Timbrado, Belgian Waterslagger, and the German Roller.
The Song Canary Bird like most other animals is not that different in terms of breeding, with optimal breeding practices helping to produce a quality canary that is worthy of its name. Not everyone can breed a Canary and not all of the birds of this free are created equal.
Song Canaries have a vast variety in terms of colors, including grey, bright yellow, brown, variegated, white, etc. The Song Canary Bird originated from the Canary Islands and has maintained its popularity as a popular European pet since the 16th century, or perhaps earlier. Of all the domestic birds there are, the Canary is the most easily domesticated.
Interestingly, song canaries exist only through breeding and are not seen in the wild. Those canaries who reside in the wild have small, greenish finch-like attributes and do not sing at all.
Song Canary Bird

Scientific Name: | Serinus canaria |
Common Names: | Persian Singer, Spanish Timbrado, German Roller, Waterslager, American Singer, Russian Singer. |
Color: | Brown, White, Yellow |
Adult Size: | 4.9 – 5.3 inches in length; and a wingspan of 7.9 – 9.1 inches |
Sounds: | Chatterer, Whistler |
Interactions: | Hands off |
Lifespan: | Up to 15 Years |
Price: | $95.99 to $384.99 |
Song Canary Bird Native And Natural Habitat
The Canary Islands, which got its name from the dogs kept by its residents, is the original home of the canary, and it is also the source of the bird’s name. Originally the canary was just a greenish-colored finch, nothing more, except for the fact that they sing. Their songs however are what interested the Europeans and led to them becoming a large-scale import in the 1500s. As more Europeans acquired the bird, it started to be bred. With a little help from mutations, the canaries developed into ones that gradually began to resemble contemporary ones rather than be attributed with the appearance of their ancestors.
Song Canary Bird Care and Feeding
The wild canaries forage for seeds supplemented with an occasional insect. The canaries are not color-bred, meaning they do not need special food for varying colors. They are not fragile, meaning they can survive on the outside, regardless of heat levels, but they are most comfortable at temperatures of around 75 degrees. But while they acclimate to temperatures well, they are sensitive to drastic temperature changes.
Caring for a canary is not particularly challenging. They enjoy good canary seeds mixed in with plenty of fruits, veggies, egg food, or those with high protein levels. You can leave a dish of pellets alongside a dish of seeds in its cage, as the canaries need easy access to their food. Also, ensure that the bird has fresh water at all times. If properly cared for, a canary can live as long as 15 years or more. Luckily for owners, this easy bird required only about a few minutes of daily tasks per day to maintain optimal health.
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Song Canary Bird Personality and Behavior
It is advisable to minimize the clutter in its cage, as the canary enjoys moving around in its domicile for exercise. The cage, however, does not need many materials as compared to parrots, just a single toy and a mirror or branch are okay.
Also, once the canary has gotten used to you, open its cage and allow it to fly around in the room at least once a day. Though be sure to keep the windows and doors closed and don’t forget to turn off the ceiling fan if any are running at the time.
Song Canary Bird Speech and Sound
The songs sand by a canary depends greatly on the type of canary in question. Based on their training certain Canaries will sing several different songs, while some will sing in a certain, limited manner.
This is why a good breeder is very important. Some breeders will keep their best singers around for show purposes and sell others that are not quite as impressive. Though this does not mean that only inferior canary singers are offered for sale, rather at that point they need a bit more training, and those are assuredly much better than the canaries without any training at all. When they are in the same cage with the masterful singer canary, they pick up many of their counterparts’ singing habits.
As mentioned earlier, the male canaries are the major singers of the species at about 6 months when they are just about to mature. Before the males reach maturity (at least 6 months old), the females have almost the same ability as them in terms of singing. One of the distinctive ways of differentiating the females from the males is by hearing their respective matured sing.
Also, the quality of songs by a canary depends on their type. The Spanish Timbrado is loud and has a high-pitched sharp tone, the American Singer is known for its sweet tone and large size, while the Hartz Mountain Roller generally sings with its beak closed and has a sound like soft, classical music. The Belgian Waterslagger has the lowest and highest range of notes among all the song canaries and it is noted for its water notes, which include; water drops, boiling water, bubbling water, and rolling water.
The Red Factor Canaries are not among the singing Canaries, they are more of the color-bred type though some of them can sing to an extent. Rather they are mostly acquired for their attractiveness than their singing ability. During the entirely natural molting period (when they shed their feathers), canaries do not sing at all.
All you need to do is to increase the bird’s nutritional intake and curb the amount of light it gets in a day. Other reasons why a canary can stop singing is as a result of poor health or if another canary in the same cage dominates the cage hence making life miserable for its cohabitants.
Song Canary Bird Health and Common Conditions
The most notable infection that the Canary is prone to be the mite infection. Some of the mite infections include scaly mites characterized by a scaly buildup on and around the bird’s beak, legs, and/or eyes, air-sac mites which are mostly found in the bird’s respiratory system, feather and red mites, both nocturnal and feeds on the bird’s blood at night. While mite infection can be treated, it is of paramount importance that it is detected earlier on. So don’t hesitate to seek out an avian vet if you suspect the canary has any of the above mite infections.
The Canaries are also prone to virus infections, namely, the Canary pox which is transmitted by mosquitoes. This virus can pose a serious threat to the health of the bird, especially those that live outside the house.
Buying a Song Canary Bird
When selecting your canary, be sure to listen closely to the young birds before you buy them. The only true way to be certain that a canary is a good singer is to listen to them sing, though young canaries are more likely to only sing “baby songs,” meaning you might have to purchase your Canaries when they are a little bit older.
It is not advisable to take the breeder’s word on the quality of the singing unless you trust the breeder and have worked with him or her in the past. Ensure to buy Canary training CDs or tapes for your young singer to train with on their own.
In conclusion, song canary birds are popular pets known for their beautiful singing abilities. They require a balanced diet of seeds, fruits, and vegetables, along with regular cage cleaning and exercise. With proper care and attention, these little birds can bring joy and companionship to any household.
Since you finished reading this amazing article, we suggest to you to read this one too: Red Factor Canary Care Guide, Personality, Diet & Health
Frequently Asked Questions:
Canary training song?
Canary training songs are used to teach canaries to sing. These songs are typically played to the canary repeatedly, and the bird is encouraged to mimic the tune. The training song can be any melody, but it is usually a simple, repetitive sequence of notes. Some common canary training songs include the “Roller,” “Hartz Mountain,” and “German Harzer” songs. It’s important to note that not all canaries will learn to sing, and even those that do may not be able to replicate the training song exactly.