TOP 10 Animals With Terrifying Teeth That Will Give You Chills!

Though they make for a mesmerizing visual, the terrifyingly sharp teeth of the now-extinct saber-toothed tiger have captured humanity’s collective imagination. But they are not the only creatures whose frighteningly dangerous dentition terrifies and intrigues us. In fact, many animals that this holds true for, are very much alive and roaming various parts of the world to this very day. Keep reading till the end to discover our list of the TOP 10 Animals With Terrifying Teeth.

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Let’s consider ten animals with some bizarre, dangerous, and downright shocking situations in their dental regions. Perhaps this will help you avoid them should you have the misfortune of encountering them.

TOP 10 Animals With Terrifying Teeth

1. Babirusa

Babirusa - TOP 10 Animals With Terrifying Teeth

Some animals truly make us scratch our heads about the kind of warped evolutionary process that led to their existence. The babirusa, among all four variants of its species, is just such a case, carrying out acts of aggression with the bizarre weapon set they carry around in their mouths.

Sometimes referred to as “deer pigs.” these Indonesian natives have huge lower canines that curl like fangs over their upper jaw. Even more nightmarish is the fact that to match they have massive upper canines that grow backward curling toward their heads. When in combat during their hostile mating disputes, males will slash each other with their horrifying sabers. These are especially effective due to their upright direction. If the babirusa fails to bring the opponent down, the canines make their way through their opponents’ skulls.

2. Saber-Toothed Deer

Saber-Toothed Deer - TOP 10 Animals With Terrifying Teeth

If this sounds like a woodland creature from some demented fantasy novel, we have some terrifying news: the saber-toothed dear is quite real. Native to the Eurasian supercontinent, several species of ungulate (aka “must deer”) have massive fangs that are the fully grown manifestations of their canine teeth.

The fangs reach several inches beneath the jaws. But unlike the saber-toothed tigers of a bygone era who used them for hunting and dismantling prey, the musk deer use theirs as weapons to settle mating disputes with other males. Their namesake, as you may have guessed, stems from the particularly distinct scent that they use for territory marking. While they share a common look, these creatures have a genetic distinction from cervids (traditional deer).

3. Payara

Payara - TOP 10 Animals With Terrifying Teeth

While the saber-toothed tiger roamed the lands of the ancient world, another creature was developing similar jaw-based weaponry. The difference is that the payara did so in reverse and they resided in rivers. The one difference between the payara and other saber-toothed creatures is that its fangs reside fully in its mouth rather than protruding. They actually collapse into two designated holes in the upper jaw. 

Growing as long as 4 feet (1.2 meters), the payara still roam the Amazonian waters, sinking their 3-4 inch fans into their prey’s vital organs. As the prey subdues to its injuries and sinks toward the bottom of the water, the payara’s jaw is ready to indulge it. These vampire characins are not sparing of humans either, causing fear and precautionary tactics even among seasoned Amazonian fishermen.

4. Goosander (Tooth Duck)

Goosander (Tooth Duck) - TOP 10 Animals With Terrifying Teeth

If you’re feeding ducks at a pond, the goosander would probably easily pass for just another waterfowl, just don’t stick out your hand and offer it to them, or this strange species might make you regret it. The Goosander belongs to the Mergus genus, being the largest of the “Sawbills.” It can be found inhabiting park lakes, estuaries, and rivers around Canada, the US, and various parts across Eurasia.

From its bill, the “tooth duck” extends over 150 curved backward, razor-sharp teeth. These can slice through fish bodies with extreme ease. Birds with teeth are always freaky and an unusual site. What is even more terrifying is that, unlike other ducks, the Goosander (sometimes known as the “devil duck”) can be quite the raptor of the aquatic scene, attacking and feeding on fellow birds, as well as various small mammals.

5. Dromedary Camel

Dromedary Camel - TOP 10 Animals With Terrifying Teeth

The Dromedary camel is an herbivorous creature, but just because it eats plants for sustenance, does not mean it is of no danger to a human, especially considering the canine teeth residing in its jawline. The large upper lip of the camel can do a great job of obstructing a visual of what lies behind t, and in the case of a dromedary camel, it is a set of 7.5 cm (3 to 4-inch teeth).

Believe it or not, far too many owners have perished by not carefully considering the danger that these animals can cause. Sometimes camels would even get their revenge on humans in their sleep. Not only do these camels possess the power to crush human skulls, but their mating season is also a time that these creatures get particularly testy and can issue fatal bites. One such instance was reported recently in China.

6. Helicopron (The Chainsaw Shark)

Helicopron (The Chainsaw Shark) - TOP 10 Animals With Terrifying Teeth

The helicopron is a terrifying 6-meter (20-foot) shark which, luckily for everyone, is this list’s only extinct inclusion. This monstrosity used its teeth in a manner different than that of any living creature today. The shark’s mouth operated on a circular muscle that would allow it to essentially shoot out of its face and shred its prey on the spot with tremendous speed. A fact that only became apparent to scientists recently after a great deal of research.

7. Narwhal

Narwhal - TOP 10 Animals With Terrifying Teeth

For quite some time, the narwhal was regarded as a nautical fantasy: the “unicorn of the sea.” But eventually, the stranger creature was located and documented, proving its existence. In a physiological twist, this small whale (measuring only about 4 meters (13 feet) developed its head-topping spear in order to break up the ice in its native arctic habitats, but also for self-defense, and territorial disputes.

Though many regard the “spear” as a horn, the narwhal stands out from the animal kingdom’s typical symmetry in that its defense mechanism is actually a modified version of its canine tooth. It angles forward, extending through the animal’s forehead. In fact, it is the narwhal’s only tooth, though sometimes the left canine socket of its otherwise barren jaw can sprout a secondary “spear” often close in length to the original.

8. Baboon

Baboon - TOP 10 Animals With Terrifying Teeth

As the world’s largest monkey, at an average weight of 36 kg (about 80 pounds), these creatures have canines that are fanglike in their 5 cm (2-inch) length. For perspective, that is longer than the teeth of many adult lions. Not bad for a creature half the size of a human.

The intimidating canines are little comfort to anyone caught in the vicinity of baboons, even with the knowledge that these likely did not evolve for purposes of prey, but rather for intimidation in sexual dominance disputes. They certainly look the part of prey killers, however.

9. Hippopotamus

Hippopotamus - TOP 10 Animals With Terrifying Teeth

The hippopotamus is the 3rd largest terrestrial animal on the planet, with an adult usually exceeding 5 meters (16 feet) in length, and tipping the scales at a mind-blowing 4,000 kg (9,000 lbs). But while it may not hold the honor of being the biggest animal on land, it does have the largest canines of any land animal, with two massive daggers for teeth, measuring sometimes at a terrifying 40 cm (16 inches) in length.

This river monster is not only the size of a truck, but it has teeth that with one bite could chomp through two humans. Many who travel to the Nile in Africa are under the notion that the crocodiles are the thing they need to fear the most. Hippos are often overlooked due to their lumbering and somewhat adorable look. But don’t get it twisted, the hippos are wildly temperamental and easily provoked to attack.

One tour guide wasn’t careful enough, but he found out the hard way when he was partially swallowed by one of these creatures, losing his arm in the process. Interestingly, the hippos were always thought to be a distant relative of the pig, but as recent genetic research has indicated they are actually more closely related to whales.

10. Titan Triggerfish

Titan Triggerfish - TOP 10 Animals With Terrifying Teeth

There are some fish you don’t want to run into while diving and the titan triggerfish should be near the top of that list. Residing around tropical reefs, these over 2-foot long (60 cm) swimmers are fiercely territorial and will attack those they perceive as intruders. Humans are not exempt either. This is especially concerning since titan triggerfish reside in shallow waters where humans often go for swims.

This fish’s teeth resemble those of humans, straight, though very thin, as well as being far more powerful and razor sharp. They should be, as their main purpose is to crush rock-hard coral. That means that aside from being able to slice and tear through most things, these teeth are also extremely resilient to damage.


In conclusion, teeth are one of the most important assets for an animal to survive in the wild. However, some animals have evolved to possess terrifying teeth that can send shivers down your spine. From the powerful jaws of the saltwater crocodile to the venomous fangs of the black mamba, the animal kingdom is full of impressive and intimidating teeth. While these creatures might be frightening, they are a testament to the incredible diversity of life on our planet. It’s a reminder that there is always something new and awe-inspiring to discover in nature.

Since you have finished reading this amazing article of the TOP 10 Animals With Terrifying Teeth That Will Give You Chills, we suggest to you to check this one that will blow your mind: TOP 5 Animals That Get Drunk In The Wild

Frequently Asked Questions:

What animal has the biggest teeth?

The animal with the biggest teeth is the hippopotamus. Their canines can grow up to 50 centimeters (20 inches) long. However, the tusks of the male narwhal, a type of whale, can also grow up to 3 meters (10 feet) long, making them the longest teeth in the animal kingdom.

Which animal has the sharpest teeth?

The animal with the sharpest teeth is the great white shark. Its teeth can grow up to 6 centimeters (2.5 inches) in length and have serrated edges that enable them to slice through prey easily. Other animals with notably sharp teeth include the saber-toothed tiger and the saltwater crocodile.

What animals don t have teeth?

While most animals have teeth, some don’t, including certain species of mammals such as the pangolin, anteater, and baleen whales. Other toothless animals include birds, turtles, and some species of fish, which use other adaptations to help them eat and survive. For example, birds use a specialized gizzard organ to grind their food, while turtles have sharp beaks to bite and tear their food.

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Hi, my name is Idammah, and I am a huge animal lover! I have always had a special place in my heart for pets, especially cats. I currently have a rescue cat named Simba, who has brought so much joy and love into my life. In my free time, you can find me playing with my cats or watching some animal documentaries. When not spending time with my cat, I enjoy writing about my experiences as a pet owner and sharing helpful tips and advice with other pet lovers. I hope to connect with other pet enthusiasts and share our love for animals through this blog.

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